Picture this, you’re getting ready for a fun night out, you try on your favorite outfit and you feel that all too familiar uncomfortable tightness around your waist. Your stomach feels like an overinflated balloon, and your excitement turns into discomfort. This all-too-familiar scenario is bloating, a common but pesky problem that many of us face.
Research suggests that as many as 1 in 3 Americans experience bloating weekly. While common, regular bloating shouldn’t be a normal part of your life - it’s a signal that there’s something off. But, what causes this problem?
- Diet - Certain foods like beans, dairy products, or even fizzy drinks. Additionally, eating too quickly can cause bloating to occur. Gum is another culprit that can cause bloating as you are swallowing air.
- Lifestyle Choices - Beyond food, stress is a major culprit of bloating. When you’re stressed, this isn’t just affecting your mental state, but it is also affecting your physical well-being as well. A lack of exercise compounds the problem by slowing digestion.
- Inflammation - When your gut is inflamed, it's a red flag. This inflammation can disrupt your gut, hindering its digestive efficiency, which can directly increase bloating.
Occasional bloating is simply a part of life, but frequent bloating signals a need for a gut check - literally.
These are all signs of your body saying, ‘Hey we need to take better care of our gut buddies (microbiome)!’”
So how do we start taking care of our gut? There are plenty of options ranging from lifestyle to supplement options.
You can begin implementing lifestyle changes immediately giving your body a reset. One of the most controllable is the food you eat. This requires some intuition. Notice what is on your plate and what causes you to feel bad. Then, eat less of it. Simple, right?
Well of course there’s always a deeper level. A general principle will be that eating more fruits, vegetables, and whole grains will help you. These foods act as a broom for your gut if you will, where you are sweeping out dirt and grim and providing a clean setting to digest and extract nutrients from food. Additionally, it is a good rule of thumb to reduce the amount of junk food you eat, this would include heavily processed foods (what you find in the freezer section of the store), fast food, and excess levels of sugar.
Your lifestyle also plays a major role. Regular movement and exercise are essential to improving gut health. This could be as easy as a 30-minute walk. Start at a manageable place for you and simply increase your movement from there.
Staying hydrated helps reduce bloating and can also help your body cleanse itself as well. Make sure to drink filtered water.
Of course, we couldn’t talk about lifestyle changes without mentioning that it is essential we reduce our stress. Our lives are inundated with stress, from driving stressors, the news, social media, work, and life in general. You must address your stress because this affects both physical and mental well-being. See our blog on the connection between gut health and anxiety for more.
While lifestyle choices are of course essential, it’s important to use available tools to help even more. This is where Woodroot Tonic comes into play.
Woodroot Tonic is a natural anti-inflammatory gut shot designed to reduce bloating and help with digestion. This holistic approach of Woodroot Tonic and lifestyle practices is a winning combination for addressing bloating.
All of Woodroot’s USDA Organic ingredients are designed to target inflammation and in turn bloating. But, there are of course ingredients that have to be mentioned based on their importance in this fight.
- Ginger, a highly effective soothing ingredient, its anti-inflammatory and gastrointestinal relief properties help relieve gas and bloating. Ginger improves gut motility, ensuring smooth passage of food and reducing the likelihood of gas build-up.
- Cinnamon has anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce inflammation in the digestive tract, a common cause of bloating. Its antispasmodic effects also aid in relaxing digestive muscles, preventing the discomfort associated with bloating.
- Cayenne pepper stimulates digestion and improves enzyme production in the gut. By enhancing digestive efficiency, it can help reduce the formation of gas and alleviate bloating symptoms.
These powerful ingredients, combined with the others in Woodroot Tonic, provide a foundation of health when it comes to dealing with regular bloating. By taking one shot, once a day, every day, you allow your body to strengthen its natural function, allowing bloating to be a thing of the past.
Don’t let bloating continue to impact your life. Take proactive steps to better your health and take control this year. Think about ending the year, free from bloating and digestive discomfort... Ahh so nice!